For Real Estate Sales Professionals
the Art of
Commercial Real Estate Brokerage
A Live Interview
with Robert Ringer
Author of the New York Times All-Time Bestselling
Book on Commercial Real Estate Brokerage
"Winning Through Intimidation"
Robert Ringer is a true legend in commercial real estate brokerage. His book "Winning Through Intimidation" describes in detail what we constantly experience as commercial brokers, and what we must do to protect ourselves against people constantly grabbing for our commissions. This book is so important that it's been named as one of the most important books for anyone in business to read, and it's in the Top 15 of the all-time bestselling motivational books ever on the New York Times Bestseller List. And the book has now been revised and is published under its new title, "To Be or Not to Be Intimidated? That is the Question." Robert learned in his brokerage career that he had to start doing things differently. And what he learned and implemented into his brokerage business led him to such great success that he bought his own private jet to utilize for doing business and meeting with his clients and prospects. Here's what Robert and I discussed during this fast-paced, informative interview on mastering your commercial real estate brokerage career:
In this rare, highly-informative one hour and fifteen minute live teleseminar, Robert told us what he learned from his highly-successful career as a commercial broker, and what you must know to maximize your success as a commercial broker in your business right now. And we followed the interview with a live question and answer session with the teleseminar audience afterwards. To move forward and order an audio CD recording of this teleseminar for just $69.00 (plus $4.50 shipping and handling), click on the following link: |
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If you're thinking about whether or not you should definitely go ahead and order this live teleseminar interview right now... Here's my guarantee: Listen to my interview with Robert. Take your time and put the information that you've learned from the interview to work for you in your real estate business. If at any time during the next 12 months you don't agree that through applying the information you've learned from this interview you'll make more than 100 times what you've paid for this product, you can return the product to me for a full refund. That's how much I believe in what Robert and I have to tell you during this interview. Jim Gillespie |